Tuesday, October 5, 2010


About a month ago, I took my car in for a much-needed oil change and check up. I expected bad news, since my car's been making weird noises when I turn, rattles and shakes at red lights, and spills some kind of liquid on the driveway. I geared up and prepared myself to hear a long list of necessary repairs. Never did I expect it to be so bad. The technician called me over and showed me a long page covered in red circles and notes. Pretty much everything that could possible go wrong had indeed gone wrong. I was advised not to drive it. If you don't remember, I quit my job in April so I could focus on being a full-time student, youth leader, and wife. It had been going great! Richie and I were a little tight on money, but we were surviving and still making all our payments on time. But the bad news meant I'd have to go back to working. Our only good option was to buy a new car. And so, about a month ago, I returned to work. Thankfully, I didn't really have to search much before my boss from my first job contacted me and invited me to work at his photo studio again. That's what I've been doing and that's why I haven't posted anything in a while. Unfortunately, having a job means I no longer have enough free time to keep up with blogging. I go to school and work and get home around 9pm. On my days off I work on youth group stuff and spend time with my family. Blogging just doesn't fit into my schedule right now. I hope to someday be able to blog again, but I don't see that happening any time soon. I hope you have enjoyed reading and that these posts have encouraged you and maybe even helped you learn and grow in God. If you'd like to keep in touch, please look me up on Facebook and add me as a friend. I promise to accept your request! Soli Deo Gloria, Lilly
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