Friday, January 22, 2010

Check it Out!

Mommy, Are You Happy? Many people treat depression like its merely a mood issue that you're not willing to risk. I know firsthand that depression isn't sadness you can just push aside to make room for sunlight. Its a spiritual issue and disorder. If you think you suffer from depression and don't know how to handle it, please seek the help of someone you trust.

Caring Too Much About Failure How many times have I not even tried to do something for fear of failing? Probably too many to count. This is good encouragement to kick this fear to the curb and take some risks!

Public Passion VS Private Devotion Although this is written by a church leader for other leaders, I think its common for all Christians to fake being alright through struggles. Why do we do this?

Like An Electric Current Warning: this is a bit graphic and extremely heart-wrenching. Kevin DeYoung comments on a story in which former abortion workers explain why they are now pro-life.

Spare the Spanking, Spoil the Report Card? The Wall Street Journal (yes, really) features a story on why spanking may after all be a good thing.

Why Are Professors Liberal? Rethinking the question provides a good answer.

Seen But Not Heard? Back in my punk-rock rebellious teen years, I was sure my voice was powerless and considered insignificant. How wrong I was and how right this article is! 


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