The most engaging conversations I have ever had have been with older people. I don't mean just a few years older or even a couple of decades older - I mean they were born in the 30's or 40's and probably used to wear hats whenever they stepped outside. Maybe its because my grandparents have always lived far away or because since I was small I wished I could crawl into the world of the historic novels I read, but hearing the elderly speak about the past is captivating.
This past Sunday, having nothing to do but wait before service started, I struck up a conversation with Gloria. Her hair is white as snow, she uses a cane to walk, and her back is hunched over. When she shares her poetry, written only for God, her blue eyes shine and she stands a little bit taller.
She told me about growing up in New York, a city I've always wanted to visit, and getting lost driving in Las Vegas. She would reach out to hold my hand when she got excited about what she had to say and smiled with every word. Although she asked for my name three times during our conversation, I really enjoyed her company.
I hope I'm like her when my hair turns white: full of life, loving God, and still glorifying his name in wonderful creative ways.
Proverbs 20:29 says that the glory of old men is their grey hair. While many, including my husband, complain about greying hair (Richie only has about 5), the Bible shows it as a sing of wisdom and being fit to give advise. The elderly members of the church are worthy of respect and honor and I hope to give more of my time to sit with them and let them talk.
PS. I can't help but wish I had taken a photo of her to share.
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