After visiting my dad’s side of the family in Cuernavaca, we headed over to my mom’s hometown: El Oro. We went from humid tropical weather to cool overcast days and rainy nights. What I love about El Oro is that even after so many years, everything has stayed pretty much the same. The city hall in the photo above seems especially unchanging, always painted in its signature bright red.
One thing that has changed is the size of the family. While its always been pretty big, many recent additions have made it even bigger. Its still a bit strange to think that several of the cousins I used to go out and get into trouble with are now settled, married, and have kids.

My brother, born on July 4th, got to celebrate his birthday with the family. We headed out to a nearby historic town full of rustic buildings and beautiful 16th century landmarks.

I can’t help but laugh at the photo above! So typical of 13-year-olds!
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