Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Among the songs my pastor chooses often for worship, one in particular is bittersweet. Singing together as a congregation, the song leads us to ask God to renew us, confessing that everything we are needs to be conformed more unto his image. That’s the sweet part; it’s a beautiful song. The bitter part comes when I remember how I sang it in the past.

At one embarrassing point, I thought I had arrived. I thought I was “there”. I seriously didn’t think I could get any better or need any improvement. Surprisingly, I wasn’t cocky or arrogant about it. This attitude somehow sprung from sincere gratitude toward God for all the ways in which he had dramatically changed my life.

I was 17 and I had gone through severe depressions, deep involvement in the SoCal partying punk rock scene, drug use, an abusive relationship, and serious family problems. My life had gone from that darkness to the light of Christ and I was extremely thankful.

When I sang that song which was supposed to lead me to ask God to keep working in me, what came to mind instead was, “Thank you, Lord, because you’ve changed me so much already, I don’t need any more.” I honestly just couldn’t fathom how things could get any better than they already were.

By God’s grace, I realized my attitude was completely wrong. I learned we never fully arrive at the Biblical ideal, at least not until what Paul calls “the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). I realized that when Jesus said in Matthew 5:48, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect,” he was referring to a life-long struggle to follow the lifestyle Scripture set out for us more and more closely.

There is never a point in a Christian’s life when we can say we’re completely sanctified, done growing, done learning. The work God began in us on the moment we converted does not end until after death. While we’re here, we have to keep striving to grow in him, to be more like him.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Style Idea 16: Patriotic

Fourth of July is just around the corner, and even though I’ll be in Mexico for it,  I won’t miss the opportunity to dress in red, white and blue! Today’s outfit idea is sure to keep you cool and comfortable for a picnic and afternoon of fireworks.

Light Lace Cardigan: $37.99 Ruche

Blue Button Down Dress: $13.50 Forever 21

Red Bow Headband: $12.99 Mod Cloth

Red Stripe Canvas Wedges: $69.00 Toms (with every pair purchased, a child in need also gets a pair of new shoes)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Proverbs 31 Challenge: Strength and Biblical Submission

Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.

Proverbs 31:25

In the year between my husband’s proposing and our wedding, a fear was constantly on my mind: would I be able to submit? I knew that as a Christian striving to be more Christ-like and aligned with the Word of God, I had to be a submissive wife. But I had no idea what that looked like.

One of the biggest fears this generation of 20-something women faces is submission in marriage. The question high school girls in youth group ask with the most fear in their eyes is, “Are wives really supposed to submit?” More often than not we picture a boring, weak, overly-dependant pathetic woman when we think of a submissive wife.

No one can argue that the Proverbs 31 woman is not a submissive wife. Verse 11 says her husband trusts her. Verse 12 tells us she does her husband good throughout her life. Verse 23 says she adds to her husband’s reputation. How could a rebellious wife who does whatever she wants without caring whether her husband agrees or not be such a blessing to his life?

Today’s verse should show us that being a biblically submissive wife doesn’t mean all those negative things we usually think of. A wife who submits to her husband isn’t boring, weak, over-dependant or pathetic. The Proverbs 31 woman is submissive but also strong and full of dignity and confidence.

The virtuous woman has so much strength and dignity that its apparent to everyone, just like your clothing is visible to everyone you encounter. Her confidence in God is so strong, she doesn’t worry about the future but faces it with a smile. This is as much as part of her character as her willing submission to her husband and all authority.

Biblical submission and strength can and should exist side-by-side. Its time to exchange the world’s ideas of strong womanhood for the Bible’s instruction.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Style Idea 15: Airport Chic

In exactly a week and about eight hours, I’ll finally be headed on a long-awaited vacation to Mexico! I’ll only be able to stay for about ten days, but its been a while since I last was able to take a trip like this. No matter how much time passes by, though, I never forget how uncomfortable airports and airplanes are. And since my flight this time will be at around midnight and last for more than three hours, comfort is high up on the traveling day priorities list. Something like today’s outfit would be wonderful – the flowy tank top keeps me from worrying about my gut showing, the cardigan can double as a pillow if need be, and all the books and magazines I tend to over pack can fit into the amazing bag.
Airport Chic
Coral Cardigan: $62.00 J Crew
Black and Peach Tank: $24.99 Mod Cloth
Dark Wash Skinnies: $69.50 Gap
Leather Oxfords: $114.99 Mod Cloth
Traveling Canvas Bag: $48.99 Ruche

Monday, June 21, 2010

Proverbs 31 Challenge: Quality

She makes linen garments and sells them; she delivers sashes to the merchant.

Proverbs 31:24

There were a few times last year (mostly around holidays) when I went on do-it-yourself marathons. I stumbled on several impressive DIY blogs that showed beautiful photographs of the neatest hand-made gifts and trinkets. About a million and a half pages were bookmarked and I vowed to make a stuffed animal for a friend’s new baby, a collection of flower headbands, fashionable tote bags, and cute fabric-covered journals.

Have you ever tried your hand at making something? You get all these fabulous ideas and daydream about how wonderful your creations will look and how happy and surprised the recipients of your handiwork will be.

In my case, the final product rarely met the standards I dreamt up. It wouldn’t have been a big deal if I hadn’t let it discourage me, but my disappointment kept me from trying again. And without trying again there’s no way I can ever get better.

Today’s verse speaks about the quality of the things the Proverbs 31 woman makes. We already know she makes great clothing for her family and beautiful decorations for her home. Now we see that the things she makes are even good enough to sell at the market. These aren’t itchy knit sweaters and scarves her kids wear because she forces them to!

What we have to remember is that this woman wasn’t born a superhero. No one, not even the great woman this chapter describes, is immediately good at everything she tries. The fact that the garments she made were high-quality doesn’t speak of some miraculous talent. It tells us that she practiced and didn’t give up when things didn’t turn out perfectly the first few times.

Skill isn’t something that appears overnight or that you get the first time you try something. We have to work and practice and learn from mistakes and not let our failures discourage us.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Photo of the Week

For the longest time I was constantly frustrated by my inability to capture good photos. I knew how I wanted to frame a subject, how I wanted to convey the mood of the moment, how I wanted each color to come across but I didn’t know how to actually do it. It’s like having an amazing idea for a painting but not knowing how to pain or having great song idea in your mind but not knowing how to put it to paper.

That’s why I’m so thankful for the photography class I took this quarter. Even though I worked photography jobs for a while, I was taught only what I needed to know. In studios where everything is pre-set and the camera buttons are glued down, that meant I only learned about posing and framing shots. It’s invaluable training that I’m grateful for, but it didn’t give me the creative tools to capture photos like the one below. I feel invincible now and am really looking forward to sharing a lot more photos!

Spiral Slide 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Style Idea 14: Beach Retreat

The company my dad woks for holds huge annual summer picnics and this year, my brother, sister, niece, husband and I are driving out to LA to attend. Not only will we get to spend Father’s Day weekend with our dad, we’ll get to do so on Manhattan Beach! Naturally, I’m already thinking of outfits for this weekend-long mini family vacation by the sea, and I’d love to pack something like this outfit.

Beach Retreat

Floral Dress: $33.00 Be Yourself Boutique

Chunky Bead Necklace: $22.00 Shop Mamie

Brown Repurposed Leather Bag: $119.00 Mod Cloth

Coral Flats: $26.99 Ruche

Woven Belt: $12.00 The Novel Hunt

Monday, June 7, 2010

Proverbs 31 Challenge: Building Up

Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land.

Proverbs 31:23

It’s been forever since we last heard about the virtuous woman’s husband. Proverbs 31, verses 11 and 12, speak of her husband’s trust and the good things she brings into his life. Now, after reading through some of the many ways in which she works so hard, he comes back into the picture.

At first glance, this verse seems a bit strange. So far, the majority of Proverbs 31 Woman verses have been mostly about her. They describe what she does, how she acts, and even how she dresses herself and her family. Right in the middle of that, we find a verse that seems to only speak about her husband.

The ESV Study Bible explains that the gates were the hub of an Israelite city. It was where the town’s leading men gathered. Being known there would be to them what being known in City Hall is to us. Only important, respected people get recognized in such high places.

What does this have to do with the woman of virtue? Proverbs 12:4 says, “An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.” Whatever a wife does affects the way her husband is perceived by the public. She can contribute to his reputation or completely tear it down.

The fact that the Proverbs 31 woman’s husband sits among the VIPs has a lot to say about her. It means that the things she does build her husband up. She helps his reputation by keeping her own, helps his success by keeping a good home, helps him financially by being responsible and industrious. Every good thing she does helps her husband succeed.

It’s easy to fall into thinking our actions and choices have small consequences, but this isn’t true about anyone, no matter how insignificant we feel. Everything we do, whether good or bad, affects those around us, especially the people standing closest.

This week, lets consider whether we’ve been contributing to or tearing down their reputations, their chances at success. It takes a lot of courage and honesty to really look at our lives in terms of how we’ve affected others, but even more so to change whatever bad habits we find. If you notice something that needs changing, ask God for his help and trust that the Holy Spirit living in you is your helper.

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