Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land.
Proverbs 31:23
It’s been forever since we last heard about the virtuous woman’s husband. Proverbs 31, verses 11 and 12, speak of her husband’s trust and the good things she brings into his life. Now, after reading through some of the many ways in which she works so hard, he comes back into the picture.
At first glance, this verse seems a bit strange. So far, the majority of Proverbs 31 Woman verses have been mostly about her. They describe what she does, how she acts, and even how she dresses herself and her family. Right in the middle of that, we find a verse that seems to only speak about her husband.
The ESV Study Bible explains that the gates were the hub of an Israelite city. It was where the town’s leading men gathered. Being known there would be to them what being known in City Hall is to us. Only important, respected people get recognized in such high places.
What does this have to do with the woman of virtue? Proverbs 12:4 says, “An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.” Whatever a wife does affects the way her husband is perceived by the public. She can contribute to his reputation or completely tear it down.
The fact that the Proverbs 31 woman’s husband sits among the VIPs has a lot to say about her. It means that the things she does build her husband up. She helps his reputation by keeping her own, helps his success by keeping a good home, helps him financially by being responsible and industrious. Every good thing she does helps her husband succeed.
It’s easy to fall into thinking our actions and choices have small consequences, but this isn’t true about anyone, no matter how insignificant we feel. Everything we do, whether good or bad, affects those around us, especially the people standing closest.
This week, lets consider whether we’ve been contributing to or tearing down their reputations, their chances at success. It takes a lot of courage and honesty to really look at our lives in terms of how we’ve affected others, but even more so to change whatever bad habits we find. If you notice something that needs changing, ask God for his help and trust that the Holy Spirit living in you is your helper.
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