Friday, March 19, 2010

Check it Out!

There are so many awesome links to share this week, I have no idea where to start!

I quit my job this Monday and I'm going to have a full week and a half free of both work and school! Can you tell I'm excited? I've been filling my tentative schedule for that time with house projects, DIY's and seed starting plans. Can't wait!

Aside from excited, I'm also a bit scared. Relying on just one income is going to be a huge change for Richie and me, but I keep reminding myself that I'm doing this whole school thing and taking big risks for the sake of our family, including our future monkeys. And thinking of future monkeys, of course, reminds me of this post in which a mom of four explains to her beautiful kids why she doesn't want them to be happy.

It also reminds me of Jen Lula's lovely maternity photos. Her blog is on my list of daily reads and her pregnancy posts so far have been wonderful to read.

While we're on the subject of children and pregnancy, Albert Mohler wrote about the 100 million baby girls that have been killed either in the womb or shortly after birth in countries such as China and India. Its truly heartbreaking to read about parents' hatred toward their own helpless baby daughters.

So how successful was the controversial Focus on the Family Super Bowl ad? Boundless shares a letter.

What if the ad had only reached one person? Would it have been worth it? Jon Acuff reminds us that numbers don't really matter.

So I guess the focus of today's links is obvious and it couldn't be more appropriate. With Congress positioned to vote on a health care bill that would allow our tax money to fund abortions, we need reminders to stand up for the helpless and pray for our leaders.


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