Doctor Bag: $49.00 Urban Outfitters
Colorful Tunic: $44.00 Francesca's
Maroon Leggings: $26.00 We Love Colors
Black Booties: $49.95 DSW
Navy Blazer: $98.00 Gap
Doctor Bag: $49.00 Urban Outfitters
Colorful Tunic: $44.00 Francesca's
Maroon Leggings: $26.00 We Love Colors
Black Booties: $49.95 DSW
Navy Blazer: $98.00 Gap
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1
How many times have you heard the word faith in sermons? How many times has it come up in conversations with other Christians? How many times in your witnessing and evangelism? How many times in your personal prayer and Bible study?
Faith is a word we use really often, but have you ever stopped to really think about what it means? As a youth group teacher, I can say it’s one of the most difficult concepts to figure out and explain. It may seem simple at first, but explaining everything that belief really means quickly gets overwhelming.
This week’s verse clears things up a bit. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for.” It is confidence in God’s ability to keep those promises which haven’t yet been fulfilled. It is trust in his will to accomplish all those things Christians should be hoping for: salvation, heaven, everything finally being set right.
Faith is “…the conviction of things not seen.” It is knowing that God is real even though he’s presently invisible to us. It is knowing that Christ lived perfectly keeping everything the Law commanded, gave up his life to save those who trust in him and repent of their sins, rose from the dead on the third day, and ascended into heaven to sit at the Father’s right hand.
For the rest of the year and probably into the next, we’ll be looking at all the examples of faith Hebrews 11 offers and learning the details of what faith really is. Until next week, meditate on what you know of faith. Study Scripture on faith and compare what you already know to that. Do the two line up? What changes might you have to make in order to be more closely aligned to God’s word?
Reading through the Ten Commandments is always at least a bit difficult for me. No matter how well I think I’ve been doing, some sin always comes to light when I really sit down and measure myself against God’s perfect standard. It never fails. I feel conviction.
One commandment in particular never had that effect on me, though. I could stroll right past it, lightheartedly checking it off my list of things I had taken care of. Reading “You shall not covet…” actually made me feel a little better about myself. I was happy with the car and house God had given me, couldn’t complain about clothes or shoes, enjoyed the company of great people in my life, and was content to wait for the think I needed but didn’t yet have. I sincerely thought coveting just wasn’t my struggle.
What I thought changed as I checked blogs off my daily reading list last week. First, I read an amazing description of the beginning of a round-the-world trip: white water rafting in an African river, petting tame lions, riding on elephants’ backs, watching the sun set behind majestic giraffes. Why couldn’t I be the one embarking on such a majestic adventure?
Then came another blog that talked about a couple’s love of traveling. Ever since their wedding day they’ve been packing up and going whenever they may feel like going. Long weekend drives are common and they have a long list of favorite places in several states. Why couldn’t Richie and I have that kind of freedom?
Last, I stopped at a blog written by a guy designing his way through the book of Psalms. His work is amazing. It is inspiring both spiritually and artistically. Why didn’t I have that creativity and skill?
By the end of my blog reading, I was feeling pretty horrible about myself. It wasn’t any of the bloggers’ fault – they’re all great and share awesome things with their readers. I admire all of them. I just felt unsatisfied with my own life when I compared it to theirs.
It’s hard to admit, but I wasn’t glad for the blessings they get to enjoy and I wasn’t thankful for how wonderful my life really is. All I could feel was envy and anger at not having the same exact blessings exactly now.
I don’t think it could be any clearer. Even though I don’t covet the “usual” material things, that doesn’t mean I don’t covet at all. It took a horrible mood and the ugliness of real envy to make me understand that coveting isn’t just about stuff. We can covet whole lifestyles, beauty, success, relationships. In that case, I covet. A lot.
Do you have a commandment you tend to skip over? One you feel you don’t really struggle with? I thought I didn’t need to work on not coveting, but that was only because I hadn’t fully understood what coveting really covers. Maybe the commandments we think we can handle should get a closer look.
PS. When I’m thinking clearly, I really wouldn’t trade my life for anyone else’s. I may wish I could do a lot more things, but if I had to give up what I have now I’d rather not.
Two of my youth group kids are starting college next week! I couldn’t be more proud of them or more surprised at how quickly time passes by. It’s almost been a whole year since I started school and it feels like my first day was just yesterday. All the excitement and energy I felt is exactly what they’re feeling now. The least I can do I help pick a comfortable outfit perfect for that first day.
Evening Horizon Scarf: $17.99 Mod Cloth
Blush Tank: $26.99 Ruche
Corduroy Backpack: $68.00 Urban Outfitters
Blush Sandals: $34.00 Urban Outfitters
Denim Button Down Skirt: $25.00 Thread Sence
Our first Bible challenge is officially complete! It’s been great going through each verse that describes the Proverbs 31 woman. Is has definitely been edifying and useful for me to stop and consider each godly quality and I hope it has been for you too. Just in case you missed one of the posts or would like to revisit some of them, here are the links to the whole challenge:
Listing these just made me realize how similar some of them are. One of the benefits of taking more time to read and study Scripture is that you pay more attention to subtle differences in verses that can seem so alike at first glance.
Another benefit is that you get to really examine yourself and compare yourself to what Scripture says. I know it’s been both a blessing to see what I’ve progressed in and a challenge to realize how much work I still have to do.
My hope for this challenge is that it will help you become a better wife, mom, sister, daughter, and give you growth as a Christian. And next week, we’ll start a whole new challenge!
Design Sponge posted an awesomely easy Coffee Filter Flower DIY. It’s definitely something I’ll be trying soon.
Ali is traveling around the world! You can read her blog for amazing journal-like updates and great photos.
Although I really used to take pride in my sarcastic ways, thoughts like this made me think about whether my joking was really just mean.
Jon Acuff wrote about our tendency to make bad trades. Read it for yourself here.
Are college professors out to convert students? Apparently, a lot of them are.
Kevin DeYoung posted an extremely helpful three part series on giving and taking rebuke.
Have a happy weekend!
This is the little guy we found a couple of weeks ago. It was over 105 degrees, he was lost, and he didn’t have a collar. We haven’t had him checked for a chip yet, but we definitely plan on doing that soon. In the meantime, he’s welcome to keep stretching out on my brother’s bed for his frequent naps.
PS. We’ve been calling him Killer and if we get to keep him that’ll be his name.
Richie, my brother, and I headed out to Red Rock Canyon late on Friday night to watch the Perseid meteor shower. We’d tried to watch meteor showers before but had never really found a good spot. Red Rock turned out to be perfect – it’s pretty close to our house yet far enough from the brightest city lights. Being out there was amazing and it made me want to go back for a Friday date with just the husband. I think the right outfit would make a trip like that more date-like. Of course, this is something I would wear on a star gazing trip and not an actual hike or anything!
Lace Collar Dress: $68.00 Urban Outfitters
Vintage Binoculars: $21.95 Etsy
Crocheted Belt: $9.50 Charlotte Russe
The Shoes I Really Wish I Had: $144.99 Mod Cloth
background image via James Marvin Phelps
Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.
Proverbs 31:31
The first couple of years that my husband and I were in charge of youth group were beyond difficult. Our kids refused to pay attention, caused disruptions in every service, rebelled against all the rules we set, criticized every event we planned. It really seemed like they were trying to make ministry as difficult as possible.
Richie and I were putting a lot of hard work in, but it seemed like nothing we tried could make things any better. We spent a lot of time preparing their lessons, praying for them, trying to establish relationships, planning camps and retreats. No matter how much effort we put into ministry, it felt like we were getting nowhere. We were doing a lot but seeing nothing in return.
Working at becoming a Proverbs 31 woman can make you feel like that too. Maybe you’ve been following along with this series and trying to make changes but nobody has seemed to notice. Maybe you’ve been serving others selflessly for a long time but have never gotten a thank you. It' can get really discouraging really quick.
The good thing is, hard work doesn’t stay unrewarded. My husband and I eventually were blessed by the true transformation we saw in a lot of our youth group kids. Now there is even a small group that’s being discipled more closely and prepared for ministry.
If you put an effort into following God’s guidelines for Biblical womanhood your work will bear fruit and people are bound to notice. But even if in your lifetime you don’t get the recognition you deserve, know that the greatest rewards are those to be received in heaven.
All rewards and recognition must not lead us to take all the glory, though. We have to always remember that God is the source of anything good we do. If it weren’t for his help we’d be unable to follow what his Word tells us.
What you’ll need:
What you’ll do:
Cook the pasta according to the directions on the package. Drain and let cool. Meanwhile, whisk the mayo, olive oil and lemon juice until you have a smooth dressing. Combine the pasta shells, cucumber, and dill. Add the dressing and stir to coat your salad. You can serve it like that or let it chill in the fridge for a while if you’re more patient than me.
Owl Necklace: $14.99 Mod Cloth
Black Tank Top: $19.50 Delia's
Light Striped Cardigan: $30.00 Lulu's
Caramel Leather Bag: $168.00 Fossil
Layered Ruffle Skirt: $38.99 Mod Cloth
Black Hole Punch Flats: $27.99 Mod Cloth
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:30
Charm and beauty are without question two of the things our culture values most.
The people our society considers most successful (movie stars, singers, millionaires) are more often than not ridiculously good looking. Whether they’re successful because they’re attractive or attractive because their success can buy plastic surgery, the message we get is the same: beauty and success go hand-in-hand.
Today’s girls very quickly learn that a little charm can go a long way in getting them what they want. Cosmo to Teen Bop equally promise to teach us “50 fun new ways to flirt” and what kind of body language is sure to give us the result we want. Movies tend portray flirtatious women as the ideal we should all strive toward.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that God isn’t impressed by the things that wow our culture. In fact, it should be obvious that culture’s obsession with beauty and charm is at odds with everything Biblical.
It makes complete sense, but it can be so hard to remember! When everything around me tells me I should be worried about my body, that my face is far from perfect, that I should spend more time on my hair, that my style needs an upgrade or two, and that I should be concerned about making men take a second glance at me it’s extremely hard to remember what God’s word has to say.
That’s what this verse reminds us of. Whatever beauty I might gain will one day disappear; even if I die beautiful, my corpse will never be attractive. Whatever charm techniques I might master, they’ll be at best a façade and at worst a sinful attempt at deception.
God doesn’t want beauty and charm from us. He wants us to fear (respect, admire, adore) him! He doesn’t expect us to spend hours getting ready or to impress him with our charm – he expects us to follow the pattern he set out for us, to walk in his commandments striving to be more like him each day.
Proverbs 31 describes a godly virtuous woman. Out of 21 verses that describe her, only one mentions anything related to her beauty. That was obviously not her strongest point! That doesn’t mean she was ugly; it means that because among all her other admirable qualities, beauty was secondary. Her strengths were her wisdom, trustworthiness, intelligence, resourcefulness, and the love she showed her family.
Let’s think about what we’re investing in. Are we investing on the superficial qualities the world admires or on the virtues God calls us to? Memorize this verse. It’s incredibly helpful when standing in line at the grocery store with flawless faces staring at you from the magazine rack.
It’s been a while since i last wrote on of these posts, mainly because I’ve been busier than I ever thought I would be. I thought I would have more free time after quitting my job, but school has somehow managed to take over those 40 hours and then some! I’ll try to be consistent and have a post every Friday, but we’ll see how it goes.
We all tend to be hypocritical about some things. A Boundless post challenges us to dig up those areas in which we “engage in moral licensing.” For me, it seems to be evangelism.
Ali has access to 600 names that represent people in desperate need for prayer. These are potential patients that the medical ship she lives on in Africa just couldn’t help.
Chris Larson shares a simple explanation of Christ’s substitutionary atonement.
So this is why waking up early helps me pray! Josh Harris writes about the importance of self-control and sober-mindedness in prayer.
I might just try my hand at making this lovely chandelier instead of waiting to have enough money to buy one.
This map post was another source of inspiration! So many craft ideas!
I posted the long-awaited (ha!) Proverbs 31 Challenge post. In order to not mess with the posts’ order, I set the publish date as Monday. So, if you wanna read it, you can check it out below!
If there’s one thing I suck at (besides posting blog entries really late) it’s praying.
I understand the need to pray (Romans 12:12), the command to pray (Luke 18:1), the privilege (Romans 5:1-2) and benefits of prayer (James 5:13-18), and all the theological reasons why I should pray but I can’t seem to actually get myself to do it.
When I first converted, I thought prayer would get easier as I grew spiritually. I thought it would somehow someday come naturally. Six years later, it doesn’t. At all.
For a while, I got into the habit of saying short prayers throughout my day. “Thank you, God, for this amazing view,” as I drive westward at sunset. “Lord, please help me,” before taking a difficult test.
And that kept me satisfied for a while, but eventually I yearned for more. It’s funny how that yearning has worked in my life, though. Instead of leading me to deeper longer prayer times, the dissatisfaction I’ve felt led me cut even the tiny amount of prayer time I already had.
We’ve been slowly reading through RC Sproul’s Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow with our discipleship kids. The second chapter is about prayer, and boy was it helpful.
Sproul explains the importance of prayer in the first part of the chapter and then moves on to practical advise he himself learned from a booklet by Martin Luther. The two things that stood out the most to me were his encouraging to set time apart specially for prayer and to pray through Scripture.
Praying from Scripture and through Scripture are two very different things, he said. The first just involves reciting verses and repeating parts of the Bible. The second means taking a portion of Scripture and using it as a guide to your prayer. This is how Jesus intended for us to use the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.
So instead of running through a recitation of Jesus’ sample prayer, you stop wherever you need to elaborate in your own words. As Sproul puts it, “to pray through the Lord’s Prayer is to focus attention on each of the petitions for a time.”
Last night, I set my alarm to go off at 4:30 in the morning; a whole hour earlier than usual. Granted, I didn’t actually get out of bed until 5:15, but I had some time for prayer before getting ready for school. I took me a few minutes to figure out the most comfortable prayer spot is actually in my closet, but I finally got to pray.
5:15 was the perfect time. The whole house was quiet. There were no distractions but my own wandering mind (which I have at least some control of). It was great. Both tips worked. I got to spend more time in direct communion, speaking to my God, than I had in months.
I’ve heard a lot of people claim their day goes better when it starts in prayer. Others have said it changes their morning from dreadful to cheerful. I don’t have any claims like that, but I will say the satisfaction of being able to praise God, to obey his command to pray, and to finally feel close to him again is far better than any other benefit I could have gained. I can’t wait for my alarm to go off again tomorrow at 4:30 am.
I’ve been trying to catch up on school work, church stuff, and blogging since Friday. Thankfully, I’m finally starting to get there. I should have your Proverbs 31 Challenge and Style Idea up later tonight, so check back for your weekly dose!
Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."
Proverbs 31:28,29
One of the best earthly rewards anyone can receive is the gratitude, admiration, and respect of those who know you best, and that’s exactly what this verse is about.
What the people closest to you say about you means a lot. Those who know you best often have the clearest idea of who you are. While my youth group knows me fairly well, it is my husband who can truly testify about my character. After all, he’s spent the past four years getting to know me!
A stranger’s compliment may be nice, but my husband’s compliments always mean more to me. When he tells me he admires my growth in patience, I know I really have progressed. Because he’s the person closest to me, his evaluation of my character is most accurate (at least aside from God’s).
As we strive to become more like the godly woman described in these verses, we should receive praise from the people who know us best. That may mean your husband and children, mom and dad, friends or church family. This praise, however, shouldn’t me the reason for our pursuit of godliness.
Although the Proverbs 31 woman doesn’t work hard at developing good character qualities and serving others just to hear compliments. The compliments and rewards are a nice bonus, but our focus should always be God’s glory and not our own.
i hope that as we near the end of this challenge we can look forward to the rewards but also examine our motives for pursuing Biblical womanhood. Is our motivation God’s glory or our own?
This is Cancel Out The Grey, a place where I share the things that motivate me and help me eliminate the boring grey in my life. You'll find Bible challenges, journal entries, style ideas, and photography along with the occasional DIY project and recipe.
Lilly Garcia is a Christian 20-something graphic design student. She is married to a wonderful husband, teaches a (sometimes) loveable youth group, enjoys working on home improvement projects, and pretends to be a competent photographer. She would love to hear from you! Comment on a post or email her at lillian_garcia88 @