Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Proverbs 31 Challenge: Smart Spending

She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.

Proverbs 31:16

The first $315 dollars I worked for were all spent on a two hour long trip to Target. I don't remember what I bought, but it must have been hair accessories, tank tops, and useless knick knacks. I most likely no longer own any of the things my first 40 hours of work bought me. It was a pointless waste of money.

Thankfully, the 16-year-old days of burning cash as soon as I felt it in my hands are gone. Still, I know I have a lot to learn from the way the Proverbs 31 woman makes purchases.

  1. She thinks before buying.
  2. She isn't selfish in her purchases.
  3. She invests instead of wasting.

The word we read as considers means, in Hebrew, to plan and devise. An admirable woman, then, plans out her spending. Our purchases don't have isolated effects; other people can be blessed or harmed by them. Knowing this, we should always buy in a smart and thoughtful way to avoid racking up debt or running out of cash before all the bills are paid. A good way make sure you do this is to always know at least an approximation of how much money you have available to spend and ask yourself if you really need something before carrying it to the checkout stand.

The Proverbs 31 woman also makes purchases that are good for her family. In buying a field she plans to harvest, she is making an investment that will provide extra income for her family. She considers them when looking for a way to spend the extra money they have and decides to bless them instead of just getting something for herself.

Lets start modeling our spending after this exemplary woman's! By taking the time to think through our shopping decisions, thinking of how they will affect others, and learning to spend on things that will bless people, we can work at becoming women of virtue.


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