Monday, August 2, 2010

Proverbs 31 Challenge: Rewards and Motive

Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."

Proverbs 31:28,29

One of the best earthly rewards anyone can receive is the gratitude, admiration, and respect of those who know you best, and that’s exactly what this verse is about.

What the people closest to you say about you means a lot. Those who know you best often have the clearest idea of who you are. While my youth group knows me fairly well, it is my husband who can truly testify about my character. After all, he’s spent the past four years getting to know me!

A stranger’s compliment may be nice, but my husband’s compliments always mean more to me. When he tells me he admires my growth in patience, I know I really have progressed. Because he’s the person closest to me, his evaluation of my character is most accurate (at least aside from God’s).

As we strive to become more like the godly woman described in these verses, we should receive praise from the people who know us best. That may mean your husband and children, mom and dad, friends or church family. This praise, however, shouldn’t me the reason for our pursuit of godliness.

Although the Proverbs 31 woman doesn’t work hard at developing good character qualities and serving others just to hear compliments. The compliments and rewards are a nice bonus, but our focus should always be God’s glory and not our own.

i hope that as we near the end of this challenge we can look forward to the rewards but also examine our motives for pursuing Biblical womanhood. Is our motivation God’s glory or our own?


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