Monday, August 23, 2010

Proverbs 31 Challenge: Wrap Up

Our first Bible challenge is officially complete! It’s been great going through each verse that describes the Proverbs 31 woman. Is has definitely been edifying and useful for me to stop and consider each godly quality and I hope it has been for you too. Just in case you missed one of the posts or would like to revisit some of them, here are the links to the whole challenge:

  1. Intro
  2. Trustworthiness
  3. Doing Good
  4. The Hard Way Out
  5. Looking for Quality
  6. Sleep Less
  7. Smart Spending
  8. Strength and Submission
  9. Thankless Work
  10. Investing
  11. Giving
  12. Prosperity
  13. Beauty
  14. Building Up
  15. Quality
  16. Strength and Biblical Submission
  17. Powerful Words
  18. Don't Do Nothing
  19. Rewards and Motive
  20. Beauty and Charm
  21. Rewards

Listing these just made me realize how similar some of them are. One of the benefits of taking more time to read and study Scripture is that you pay more attention to subtle differences in verses that can seem so alike at first glance.

Another benefit is that you get to really examine yourself and compare yourself to what Scripture says. I know it’s been both a blessing to see what I’ve progressed in and a challenge to realize how much work I still have to do.

My hope for this challenge is that it will help you become a better wife, mom, sister, daughter, and give you growth as a Christian. And next week, we’ll start a whole new challenge!


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